Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy 100th Post, Blog!

I heard some songs on the radio today that I really liked, so I came home and looked them up.  This phrase from "If I Die Young," by The Band Perry, stuck out to me while I was listening to it in the car:

"There's a boy here in town says he'll love me forever.
Who would've thought forever could be severed by 
the sharp knife of a short life"

I'm thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the blessings and truth I have in my life because of it.  A couple months ago, Joel and I celebrated our first anniversary.  I'm thankful for him - that boy that said he'd love me forever :) - and I'm thankful that our forever will not be severed by the sharp knife of a short life.  I have faith that we will be together forever, even after we die.  I know that the rest of my family is forever, too.  There were times when I was younger that I feared death because I feared not having my whole family together at home - but I know that even if something happens, I will be able to be with all of them again.  I am thankful that Heavenly Father cares about us, knows we care about our families, and that He and Jesus Christ have provided a plan and a way for us to be together forever.

Also, Happy Anniversary a couple months ago, Joel :)


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