Friday, March 26, 2010


I have not written on my blog in approximately a week.  I didn't actually check my last posting date, so I don't know for sure how long it's been.  A week is just my guess.  I just haven't really had much to write about.  Today, I decided to share with all of you faithful readers one of my most favorite websites:

Why do I love VocalPoint?  Well, they're pretty cool.  VocalPoint is a website that will you send you free samples of up-and-coming products if... 1) You will go on their website and review it after you use it, and 2) You will tell people about the product you tried.  Neither of these takes much time, and telling people about the products isn't hard at all, because they're usually REALLY AWESOME.  Plus, they also include high-value coupons for the product so you can buy it again!   And, coupons to give to your friends when you tell them about it!  I haven't been very good about handing out the coupons yet, so if you want a pretty high-value coupon for fruit snacks, Kashi cereal, or Pantene Pro-V shampoo (the new kind), let me know.  I think that's all the coupons I currently have sitting around to be given out...  

In the last few weeks, I have received these awesome things from VocalPoint:

1 box of Kashi Heart to Heart cereal, plus a coupon for a free big box.  (I didn't take this picture, and I don't know how that person got four free sample boxes.)

Some coupons for fruit snacks. 
(Sadly, I didn't actually get the item that time.  But, on the plus side, those fruit snacks are supposed to help me learn my letters and numbers.)

A full-size bottle of this shampoo.

 A new product by Tide, called Swash.  This is probably my favorite thing I've ever gotten from VocalPoint.  I will probably buy it, even though it's probably a little pricey.  "It's like an iron in a can, AND IT WORKS!" - Joel

This size of Caress body wash (2 oz), only the dark brown "Evenly Gorgeous" kind. Looks like liquid brown sugar and smells delicious.

Two of these sheets.  Another one of the coolest samples I've ever tried.  I would probably buy this if I had a little more money.  I'm definitely buying a package with the coupon.  Actually, now that I think of it, I'm not sure if I got this sample from VocalPoint or from somewhere else... but it's still a cool sample that I've gotten in the mail...

I don't really remember anything else, but I'm pretty sure I've gotten several other things.  I really love this website.  They don't ever send spammy emails, just emails to remind you you've gotten a sample and don't forget to review it!, and emails suggesting new samples just in case you're interested in them.  Anyway, if you're interested in getting some cool stuff for free and coupons to get more cool stuff for pretty cheap, hop on over to and check it out.  It's pretty sweet. :)


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