Monday, July 14, 2014


I read this question two ways:
1) What will you never buy because you'd never use it or don't believe in it?
2) What will you never buy because it's not worth the money or you'd always make it instead of buy it?

Thus, I'll answer it both ways.
(I'm sticking with answers that could potentially be probable.  I could make up a ton of stuff I'd never buy, like a lifetime supply of charcoal briquettes or a season pass to a bowling alley in Spearfish, North Dakota, but we're going to stick with things that could actually happen.)

What will you never buy because you'd never use it or don't believe in it?
I also don't drink alcohol, but I can't rule that out totally from my purchasing future.  I'd never buy it to drink, but I'm leaving my options open in case I acquire a recipe for food or bug killer that uses it.
But I would never. buy cigarettes.  I can't think of any purpose you could accomplish with them other than smoking, and since smoking's out of the question, so are cigarettes.

What will you never buy because it's not worth the money or you'd always make it instead?
I can't think of anything that I make so easily I'd never buy it, besides garbage.
...which leaves something I don't ever think is worth the money...
An extended warranty.


“I don’t believe it!  I don’t believe it!  Oh, Ron, how wonderful!  A prefect!  That’s everyone in the family!”
“What are Fred and I, next-door neighbors?” said George indignantly…”
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


Stefan said...

I thought I'd never buy cancer sticks, too. However, when I got fleas on my mission, my companion and I went out and bought a pack of smokes to break up and sprinkle under the fitted sheet on my bed. Someone had told us that it worked in either killing the fleas or making them hate life enough so they'd leave. Worked like a champ. I still get a kick out of the look on the store owners face when he saw two Mormon missionaries buying butts. Pretty humorous.

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